Did you know about the Street Children World Cups? Whenever the professionals meet up to find out who is the best of the world, a group of street connected children does so as well. And in May, it’s time to play Cricket!
Forhad, the director of LEEDO, invited us to join him for the Street Child United summit in Cambridge. Street Child United is a small NGO based in London doing remarkable work. They have organized several sport events for street connected children starting with a Football World Cup in Durban in 2010 followed by a World Cup in Rio in 2014, “Olympic” Games in 2016 and again a football World Cup in Moskau in 2018. Each time the event generated a broader media coverage than before, professionally managed by the Street Child United team. The main goal is to give street connected children a platform where they can be heard when demanding their rights.
We spent 5 days in Cambridge and London and supported the SCU Team with video production for their social media channels. We shot and edited a total of 13 interviews and a summarizing video about the summit. Hope you like it! π