The university of Kiel has a programm focussing on social entrepreneurship. We applied for 2000€ funding, in an online voting we can raise another 1000€ if we accumulate the most votes of all teams!

The programm is called ‘Yooweedoo’ and they provide a lot of useful information about how to get from an idea to a proper project. Once a year they start a competition and we created and tweaked our application over the past weeks. Here is the video we shot for our application:

‘Yooweedoo’ has accepted our project to participate in the online voting procedure. Next to the chance for projects chosen by the jury of winning up to 2000€, the winner of the online voting can cash another 1000€. All you have to do is visit the ‘Yooweedoo Ideenwettbewerb’ website, fill the form and confirm you email adress to confirm your vote.

With a variety of projects worth supporting and all kind of different ideas the competition is full of great projects. Especially projects run by larger groups will have a broader network to find voters. But we are up for the challenge and have developed a couple ideas to attract votes beyond friends and family. This is one of them:

The voting procedure has started and runs till the 5th of March. Until then we need every single vote to secure first place. Voting takes less than 30 seconds and can make a huge difference. Let your friends know and we would be delighted to hear from you if you have an idea how we can spread the word and get more people involved!

Update: 407 votes were not enough 🙁

Unfortunately we did not manage to secure first place. But with over 400 votes we managed to secure 4th place in the voting. Nontheless are we proud to being able to have gathered over 400 votes, THANKS TO EACH ONE OF YOU! We are looking forward to the decision about the winners of the juryprice, that will be announced in the upcoming weeks. The Yooweedoo team has a total of 50.000€ to support teams with a max. amount of 2000€. So at least 25 teams can win, our fingers are crossed that we are one of them.

You have questions? Send us a message using our Contact form or e-Mail 🙂