February 2018
With your vote we can raise 1000€! (Maybe)
The university of Kiel has a programm focussing on social entrepreneurship. We applied for 2000€ funding, in an online voting we can raise another 1000€ if we accumulate the most votes of all teams! The [...]
January 2018
‘Yoofutter Digital Impact’
To fund our undertaking we identified different scources of funding. Next to donations from individuals and companies, we will kick off a crowdfunding campaign in the next year. On top of that in the past [...]
December 2017
NG3O is now officially charitable!
We did it! After a long and tedious process we managed to be a state-approved charitable organisation. As you probably know this enables us to produce receipts that are tax-deductible in Germany. As we are [...]
November 2017
Our idea in TWO minutes (Video)
You don't have a clue why we post videos on Youtube? You would like to know why Sharing is so important for us? Here are the answers! We put together a video to explain our [...]
NG3O is now officially a NGO!
We have taken the next step in making our project come to life. On the 01.09.2017 we invited friends and family to pitch our idea and fought our way through the german bureaucracy and are [...]
October 2017
Back in Germany – for now…
Three weeks in the Philippines have past and we are back in cold old Germany. We had a really exciting trip taking us from the slums of Manila to the beautiful beaches of Palawan. But [...]
September 2017
Our first invitation – Playing futkal with the futkaleros in Tondo
This was new to us! We received a message asking us to join Dennis and his kids for a football training session in the middle of Tondo. After our experience with Young Focus a couple [...]
Working on the rubbish dump of Manila – A meeting with “Young Focus”
One of the organisations we were most excited to meet on our fact finding mission in Manila was Young Focus. They are located in Tondo, with the biggest informal settlement close-by and the reputation of [...]
We are on a mission!
We have set out on a trip to the Philippines to exchange some ideas with NGOs and their experiences with online fundraising. For this reason we have got in contact with several organisations mainly in [...]
August 2017
NG3O in Manila! Flights booked
NG3O goes philippines! Yesterday we booked the flights to our first destination: Manila! Starting on the 4th of September we will spend three weeks in and around the capital of the philippines. We chose the [...]